Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Lupus thumbs its nose at Catholic Guilt (CG)

Don't even think about it, sister!
If I were a comedian, I'd be using my hand as a visor right now. “Where are my Catholics? The Catholic church has a way of embedding lifetime guilt, even about things we shouldn't be feeling guilty for at all. Am I right, folks? Luckily, Lupus is very effective at assuaging that guilt. Here's how the dialog goes between CG (Catholic Guilt) and LL (Lupus Love).”

CG “You can't take a nap now, your dishes are dirty.”
LL “Screw that, I'm putting you to sleep right now. 3-2-1 and.... done. Ha!”

CG “You forgot to water the garden this morning. Get your butt out there now and do it!”
LL “No way, you know what the mid-day sun does to you. Stay inside and have a nice cool glass of ginger tea.”

CG “You have to move the couch and sweep under there. The dust bunny population is ridiculous.”
LL “Um, I think not. Remember the pain last time you did something stupid like that?”

CG “Your home must be immaculate at all times.”
LL “Take care of yourself or I'll make sure you have no choice in the matter.”

CG “You must get a “real” job and be a contributing member of society.”
LL “Hello there. Remember me? Real jobs equal real pain. Plus, even CG would have to admit that it's not a good idea. Your employer wouldn't be able to rely on you.”

And so on.... Lupus leaves no room for Catholic guilt trips. It makes sure to let me know when I've done too much. It allows me to take naps without feeling guilty. It lets me watch movies while the house falls apart around me if I'm having a bad flare. It prompts me to ask others for help, even when the help involves a task I used to be able to take care of myself. Is it frustrating sometimes? Sure. But at least I found a way to get rid of those nonsensical Catholic guilt trips for good.

So, thanks for kicking my Catholic guilt to the curb, Lupus. It's been a long time coming.

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