Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Lupus forced me to burn my bra

No more of these torture devices for me!
Ha ha ha. I always wanted to burn my bra back in the day when those protests were popular. Now, Lupus is forcing me too. What a strange side benefit to Lupus, right? Oh well, I never did like wearing a bra that much and I'm not really all that well endowed anyway. In fact, in the eighth grade, a nun once pulled me discreetly to one side and whispered, “Why don't you wear a bra?' To which I replied, “Because I don't need one.” But back to the subject at hand.

You see, with Lupus and Rheumatoid, anything that constricts movement causes issues. I've been having these overwhelmingly painful back-aches. After an ER visit, they were pinned down to a localized portion of my spine, which so happens to be directly under the spot where my bra strap hits. So, I put 2 and 2 together (which is more than I can say for the medical professionals) and experimented with going bra-less. Voila! That was the issue alright. After a few days of hanging loose, my back pain completely went away.

Now, I suppose, for those with a little more up front, this would have the opposite effect. But for me, it was the perfect solution. According to recent research, there is absolutely no medical benefit to wearing a bra. Of course for some women, it's needed to keep the girls perky and in place, but for someone like me, who doesn't hang all that low, it's no biggie. Oh sure, they look better when you pull them up and reel them in, but there's not all that big a difference in my case. LOL Sorry for the personal details.

So now, thanks to Lupus, my ladies can roam free in cami's and tank tops. And my back-aches are a thing of the past. You know, they gave me pain pills, right? But personally, I pretty much always go for the non-chemical, natural solution. And what's more natural than being loose and fancy free?

Thanks Lupus. And my back thanks you too!

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