Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Lupus gives me resolve

With Lupus, accomplishing anything at all is a struggle. Ironically, the very thing that causes me to slow down can also be the greatest factor in promoting the resolve needed to get things done. Crazy, isn't it? But you know, at the ripe old age of 55, with a chronic illness hitching a ride wherever I go, there's little time left for procrastination.

Yup, if I'm going to do anything I want to do in life, I better get it done now. For sure. Because tomorrow is not a guarantee.

When I was young, I figured that I always had tomorrow to rely on. After all, I knew the odds of survival were in my favor. That's not really the case any more. So, while Lupus is a definite handicap, it also encourages me to do everything I can whenever I'm able.

Lupus gives me the resolve needed to stand up for myself, stop pandering to the needs of others while ignoring myself and so much more. I don't have all the time in the world so I figure, I better make the most of it.

Whenever I need encouragement, there is Lupus, cheering me on. When I need strength, there it is again, reminding me that “time's a wasting” as the old folks used to say. Even when the only resolve I need is the power to get up from my chair, Lupus is there for me.

I've been told not to look at Lupus as a part of me, but a cancer to be given the boot. I think that's dead wrong. Because, like it or not, Lupus is here to stay for the duration of my life. I might as well learn to get along with it and appreciate the good things it has to offer.

And so, I have decided to use the resolve Lupus has given me to find those positives and highlight them, rather than dwelling on nasty symptoms, chronic pain and more. But mostly, I've resolved to use that knowledge to help others with the same or similar issues.

So thanks Lupus, for the resolve I need to inspire myself and others to get it done. Thanks for showing me that I can still have a life worth living, even with a chronic illness.

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