Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Lupus provides time for quiet reflection

Lupus makes it next to impossible for me to work a regular job. Sometimes that's rather nice. Sometimes, it's downright irritating. Relying on someone else to support me isn't as wonderful as it may seem. That's especially true because I'm used to being super self reliant. It's OK, though. Because the trade off is that I have plenty of time for something I've never been able to do before.

I have time to think!

Now, granted, I don't spend all day just thinking. Nope. In fact, I still have a lot of responsibilities. I make money with my writing and art, so I'm busy with that and with the house and garden. Still, if I choose to do so, I can just stop in the middle of it all, curl up in my chair and reflect on my life, or just decide what direction to take it in next.

In fact, sometimes I have to stop and think.

You see, Lupus loves to tell me to sit my butt down. I'll be working away when suddenly the fatigue hits me or my muscles refuse to budge or I have a dizzy spell, etc. If I don't immediately fall asleep, well, there's not much else to do but sit there and quietly think the time away until I feel better. It's forced relaxation. Because frankly, that's about the only way you will get me to relax is by forcing me.

Thanks, Lupus!

It's so nice to have a chance to gather my thoughts after many years of single parenting and grand-parenting. True, it's not under the most pleasant of circumstances. But hey, why not look at the bright side? Lupus has given me something I've never had. Time for myself!

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