Saturday, February 24, 2018

Redefining the "D word" treat

Enough said?

When you decide to have your favorite treat after being good for a long, long time and it backfires on you, maybe it's time to start redefining what a treat is. Oh, Lupus, you are so good to me. You even remind me that treats aren't really treats. Because the long term effects of eating badly become instant Karma for those of us with Lupus.

Yesterday, I bought my old favorite taco flavored chips. You know the brand. Starts with a D. Yup You guessed it. They were delicious, I admit. A true guilty pleasure, at the time of consumption. Not at all vegan, either. I feel like shit for that. Plus, I overindulged a bit. Now, if I didn't have Lupus, it would have been a normal serving. But with Lupus, half portions are a necessity. So, a normal serving is too much for me.

So, last night was not a treat at all. In fact, it was such a bad night that it had me Googling (Sorry for the TMI) but it had me googling foaming vomit. And as it turns out, these particular chips are famous for that particular symptom.


Lesson learned. What may appear to be a treat and what actually IS a treat in both the short and long term sense are two different things, yes?

But it's not just the one thing. Is it ever, with me? This experience really got me thinking. What other treats aren't really treats? What other long term symptoms am I giving myself when I overindulge or even just plain indulge my taste buds?

The long term health effects of consuming junk food “treats” are overwhelming aren't they? But some treats don't just harm the body, they harm the mind, the spirit, the soul and yes, sometimes even our relationships with others.

For instance, we ran into some family members last night and I was so sick that I couldn't even carry on a conversation. Not a treat. Not at all. For them or me. My stomach was rolling hard. And I probably hurt their feelings because, of course, I'm not going to burden them with my pain.

But that's not all those “treats” do to us. Thinking deeper still, there is a huge environmental impact, unnecessary resource usage and harm to human and non-human beings as a result of their production. Wow, just wow!

Yup. It's time to redefine the word treat. Because destroying myself, other humans, other animals and the earth is not my idea of a treat.

I'm lucky I have Lupus. Most people don't get an instant Karma reminder that junk food is bad for you. With most people, it builds up in their system until they keel over from a heart attack or some such. So, thanks for the swift kick in the gut, Lupus.

You are loved.

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