Monday, March 28, 2016

Lupus and instant Karma

Enough said?

Perhaps one of the best things about Lupus is that it provides instant Karma. While that may not sound like exactly the best thing to happen to someone, it's actually quite helpful. Oh ya. For instance, we all know that a sedentary lifestyle is bad for us. Well, with Lupus, you don't have to wait 20 years for the negative impact. In fact, sometimes you don't even have to wait a half hour.

If you spend your work days at the keyboard, like me, it only takes a short amount of time for you to feel the pain. In other words, with Lupus, if something is bad for you, you will know right away, no question about it. Why is that good?

Well, it's good because then you can avoid those things that for everyone else, take a lifetime to find out about and then, when they do, it's too late.

Here's a for instance. Last night, I went to Taco Bell. Now, some people go there on a regular basis. In fact, some people eat fast food nearly every day of their lives, right? They know it's bad for them. They also know that the effects of this bad habit will happen down the road. With Lupus, though, it doesn't work that way.

Oh no. Because even when I choose the healthiest thing on the menu and leave out all the “bad” stuff it contains, instant Karma is right there to remind me why I shouldn't eat fast food. In fact, the second that taco salad with no cheese or sour cream hit my esophagus, I knew I was in trouble. I will, as they say, spare you the details. Suffice it to say, I will not be eating at Taco Bell again. Like ever.

And that's just one instance. I don't overeat or overdo anything in general any more because instant Karma has taught me not to. I get up every half hour while writing because if I don't, the cramps will set in.

Yesterday, I played “Sims 3” for a long period of time while Gary was working on the bathroom remodel. My hand swelled up like a balloon. This morning, I had to take double meds because of it. So, there you go. Instant Karma = no more hours of Sims.

If I have just one soda pop, once in a month, I can guarantee that I will be leaning over the porcelain god all night, wishing that I hadn't caved.

While most people have to wait for the bad Karma of their bad habits to catch up with them, mine is like, wham, bam, here I am Mam. Now knock that off immediately and don't do it again! Because, you know that saying about needing to be hit over the head with a brick? Well, I'm one of those people that it fits. I will normally make the same mistake many times over before I learn. But with Lupus, I learn right away and the hard way.

So, thanks, Lupus. That instant Karma of yours makes it so easy to stop bad habits before they become lifetime habits.

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