Thursday, March 17, 2016

Lupus has taught me to multitask like a boss

Thanks to Lupus, I can juggle whatever is thrown at me!

Well, you know. Example is the best teacher. And Lupus is one bad-ass multitasker. Oh ya. Lupus can simultaneously attack every inch of your body and every system, organ, blood cell, muscles, joint and bone in it. Don't ever get in a fight with Lupus. It's better to love, respect and emulate Lupus. Because she will make you her bitch if you let her.

Or, you can learn to be just as strong as she is. You can multitask right back at her. That's what I do. Bring it on, Lupus. I've got this covered. I can be a bad-ass too!

I can climb stairs with two loads of laundry, no laundry basket in sight and pains shooting up and down my legs like the fires of hell. Seriously, Lupus, are you threatening to break my back in two? Ya, well, dish it, Lupus. I can take it and then some.

I can make breakfast while simultaneously clutching the kitchen counters to keep myself from falling if I should pass out. Need a packed lunch and a pot of coffee too? No problem. I can even do it while whistling a tune if need be. No sense in making everyone else miserable after all.

I can carry on a lively conversation and nobody knows I have bile rising up in my throat and a migraine the size of Texas. They never will know it either because I don't want my day to bring their day down to Lupus level.

You need a ride? No problem. I'll take you anywhere you need to go even if I was worshiping the porcelain god all night long and only got an hour of sleep. I don't want you to have to take the bus, after all. What's more, I'll do it with a smile, singing to the tune of whatever music you choose, even if I have to grit my teeth from the pain the whole way.

Need an ear or a shoulder or just to know someone cares about your accomplishments? Here I am. Never-mind that while we're talking, I really do have ten other things I should be and am doing. Forget that my hands are throbbing and my day was filled with agonizing pain. I want to hear about your day because I care about you. Life is short and I want to spend all the time I can with the people I love.

Screw the pain. I want to focus on happy.

It sounds bad, doesn't it? Well, it is. But it's beautiful too. Thanks to Lupus, I have the strength to deal with just about anything that comes my way. Yup. If I can handle living with Lupus, I can handle anything, even the perfect storm. Lupus is one scary roller coaster riding bitch but I have her to thank for teaching me that all things are possible. Yes, even when they all come flying at me simultaneously.

So thanks, Lupus, for all the multitasking you throw my way. Thanks to you, I can throw that shit right back 'atcha and move on to the next challenge. I am Lupus strong!

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