Friday, March 30, 2018

Do your worst first

Ever have one of those days where your to do list seriously outweighs your energy level? Well, thanks to Lupus, that describes most of my days. I'm so grateful my Mom taught me to do my worst first. I'm also grateful to Lupus for pounding the lesson home.

You see, on those kind of days, it really pays to do my worst first. I go through my list of to-do's for the day, select the one I'm dreading most and tackle it while I still have the energy to do so. Then I work my way through the list, always doing the worst of what's left first, thus saving the best (easiest) task for last.

By the end of the day, when I'm winding down, all I have last is a few 5 minute jobs that match my waning energy level. Now, my Mom was one smart lady. But I bet she didn't know how much she'd be helping me later in life when Lupus started pummeling me.

But here's the thing. Even if you don't have Lupus, or another chronic illness, my Mom's advice is relevant and useful. Because, let's face it, who wants to do their heaviest, most physically and mentally exhausting task at the end of the day when they're worn out? And who wants the mental burden of having those difficult tasks hanging over their head all day, bringing their mood down?

As you might have guessed, I'm having one of those days. Thus, the thought prompt that caused me to share this with you. And so, thanks to Lupus, I'm now off to do my worst. First.

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