Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Would you believe that my garden loves Lupus?

Plants are healthier when gardening with Lupus.
It's not even a stretch. Seriously. It's not. You know how I always tell you guys that with Lupus, I have to garden a certain way? Well, as it turns out, the way that I have to garden with Lupus is actually beneficial to my garden. Who knew?

Well, OK, I did. But it's all about making the connection so bear with me. LOL

Gardens love it when you water them early in the morning and/or late at night. And with Lupus, I have to do just that. I don't really have a choice. The sun and Lupus are not friends. So there you go, Lupus forces me to water at exactly the time that's beneficial for the garden. Ha!

Having Lupus also means that I cannot let the garden go at all. If I do, it would take way too much work to get it back. With chronic illnesses, it's all about one day at a time and not overdoing it. I just simply cannot overdo it. If I do, I will pay for it big time.

Of course, my garden responds well to my being so attentive. It doesn't know that I have to, but still, it's happier because of it. LOL

The garden especially likes that I keep up with pulling the weeds that choke plants or steal their nutrition. And I like it too because if I didn't, weeding would require a lot more strenuous work.

Lupus does not like chemicals. Boy, does it ever not. Exposure to anything unnatural brings on flares from Hades. Even some medications will have that effect. So, naturally, my garden is natural. That is to say that the food I produce is chemical free, thanks to Lupus. And that makes for happier future gardens too.


So, thanks, Lupus, for forcing me to garden the right way. And my garden thanks you too!

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