Friday, July 8, 2016

My Lupus journey brings hope to others

Sometimes the road is rocky and you grow from it.
That's the whole idea of life, isn't it? It's so hard, whether or not you have a chronic illness. That's why we have to lift each other up, share our positive experiences and just generally do our best to look on the bright side. It's also why I choose to share my Lupus journey with others.

But how does that give people hope? Well, by showing people that they can continue to live their dreams, even when they're ill, of course. Which I do. Which they can too. And of course, there are obstacles to face and work around. For instance, since I love gardening, but Lupus does not love the sun, I use an umbrella, work before the sun comes up or both.

And sure, it's not the same, once you have a chronic illness. It does totally suck sometimes, to put it mildly. But what I would like people to know is that you can't let it bring you down. You have to keep smiling and keep doing the things you love, even if you have to do them differently. It's OK. Because the alternative is making yourself miserable by dwelling on the bad stuff. And who wants to be miserable? Not me.

So, if you're sick like me, or even if you're not, I hope that by telling you all the positive things about having Lupus or another chronic illness, I'll help you to smile and laugh more, cry less and stay positive. Because staying positive is not just a catchy saying. It actually keeps you healthier and happier.

Thanks Lupus, for giving me the opportunity to help others through my story.

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