Thursday, June 30, 2016

The worst things about Lupus are actually the best

If you follow this blog, you may already know what I mean. If not, and this is not just because it gives me page views, give the rest of my posts a quick look. Notice how the pain, the shortened life span and all the other symptoms of this dreadful affliction help me appreciate life? See how the worst things about Lupus bring out the best things in me? Ironic, right?

When you're sick like this, no matter who you are, the benefit is that you start to see things other people don't. I'm not saying that sick people are smarter or more intuitive than anyone else. I'm just saying that because we have less time, it becomes extremely important to use that time well.

The hardest part of this illness, though, is when you watch your loved ones wasting time with petty arguments or stressing themselves out over the things they have no control of or even just simply not taking charge of their lives, thereby allowing their fate be decided by circumstance.

When that happens, Lupus gives me the courage to step in and let them know what's important. I try like crazy to do so in the nicest way possible. I don't want to interfere, ever. I've always been the kind of person that just lives and lets live. I've always felt that people should live their lives as they see fit.

But you know, Lupus has been around a lot longer than I have. It's older and wiser. Lupus knows pain and anguish better than anyone. And so, it insures that I speak up and help my loved ones see what it has taught me so they can benefit from it too.

So, here is a very incomplete list of what has truly hit home for me since this disease smacked me down a few years back. Oh, and yes, I “knew” all these things before.

But knowing something to be true and experiencing the truth are two different things, aren't they?

*The little setbacks of your day do not matter one bit in the scheme of things.
*Small joys are the stuff memories are made of. Cherish them fully and to the bottom of your soul.
*Anger and frustration are always temporary. Push past them! Don't let them rule your life!
*Only love lives on forever once you are gone. So, share those loving moments fully.
*Other people will disappoint you sometimes. People are not perfect, nor can they be.
*Remember also that your idea of perfection is not the same as anyone else's.
*Don't diss someone else's bliss!
*Everyone is beautiful in some way. Seek out their beauty, not their faults.
*Your life will never be ideal, so learn to appreciate it for exactly what it is.
*Appreciate the downs because without them, you cannot fully experience the ups.
*Spend your time wisely because you never know when it (and you) will be gone.
*In the end, family, friends and memories are all that matters in life.
*When you're gone, you will live on in the hearts of those you love so give them happy memories!
*Every step you take leaves a path for the next person, so leave gentle, compassionate footprints.
*Whatever it is that you desire, reach for it wholeheartedly and with passion.
*Cherish every single second you spend with those you love
*Create more seconds.
*Prioritize. Your job and your possessions will not miss you when you're gone. Put people first.
*Life is hard for everyone. Carry your weight so other people don't have double the burden.
*Happiness really is inside you and it's a choice. You create it.
*Create more joy and share it with everyone!

Today, I read a comment by a friend that I believe sums up what Lupus has taught me quite nicely. His statement was that beauty is everywhere. You just have to look for it. Isn't that just so true? And when I read it, I thought to myself that the best thing Lupus has taught me is the appreciation of all the people and experiences in my life. But it has taught me in the worst way, through the threat of having them taken away forever.

And that's the best lesson of all, isn't it? Concentrate on the lesson, not the source. Focus on the “good” and the “bad” loses it's power over you. Lessons are sometimes hard earned, but this life is always beautiful, my friends.

You are lucky to be alive to experience it all!

Love every moment, good or bad. Love every breath you take and everyone you are lucky enough to share it with. Life is the most precious gift you will ever receive. Don't waste it on worry, anger, fear and resentment. But most of all, make other people's lives better, however you can. It's the greatest joy you'll ever know!

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